School Vital

Some common issues

How to customize the theme.

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You can not only target individual style declarations via the style sheet but also override entire components of the parent theme.

For every theme file present in the parent directory, WordPress will check whether a corresponding file is present in the child theme and if so, use that one instead. This means that a header.php file in the child theme will override its equivalent in the parent folder.

So, if you don’t like something about a page’s layout, just copy the respective file, implement your changes, and upload it to the child theme’s folder. The modifications will then appear in the child theme, while the original file will remain untouched.


We’ve learned that we can overwrite any file in the parent theme by placing a copy in the child theme’s folder and customizing it. However, using files that exist only in the child theme is also possible. Template files are a good example of this.

Let’s say we want to build a full-width page template for our child theme. Our theme does not lend itself to the full-screen presentation, but let’s do it anyway for demonstration purposes, shall we?

To create a full-width page in Chaoz you have to create a custom page template. Let’s start with the page template.

For our custom page template, we simply copy page.php from the parent theme, rename it to page-full-width.php and place it in the Child theme’s root folder.

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Students registration & admission process.

Fees Management

Used for depositing of student Fee in school.


Systematic representation of the student data which show the Exam grades.

Library Management

Used to streamline & digitalize the activities of library department.

Transportation Management

Transport fee management, route management, bus live tracking etc.

Dues Management

Used for sending automatic fee due notification to parents

School and Parent Interaction

Student profile, student attendance, student report card, etc.

Attendance Management

Maintenance of attendance register, to view the absent\present of the student.

Student Access Control

ID card scanning, Notification to parents on entry and exit, etc.

Visitor Control

Student half day management, OTP verification for student safety, etc.


Automatically generation of the certificates in a particular formats.

Visitors Gate Entry Register

Used to track visitors in the school and there purpose of the visit.