School Vital

100+ Schools Trust schools vital to build student management system for their Schools


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Outstanding Features & Automations

We created the world's Best School Management Software.

Our team has come up with a one-stop solution that can be used to manage all departments in any kind of educational institute.

Do More With Less

We believe that by doing more with less, we can leave a smaller footprint in the environment, increase work efficiency and help create a sustainable world for our next generation.

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Revolutionize the working of a School

Our software can help schools organize their workflows under one roof. We help schools with:

A Workflow That Makes Sense

Schools can now manage there transport, fee dues and attendance of the students with our simple solution.

Realtime insight about your School

Designed following conversion matrix

We’re here every step of the way making sure you and your schools always keep moving forward. Our dashboard provides you with all the information in real time.

Move work forward from anywhere

We’re here every step of the way making sure you and your team deliver. We’re here every step of the way making sure you and your team deliver

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Deadlines will never surprise you again.

We're here every step of the way making sure you and your team deliver

Everyone knows what they need to do.

We're here every step of the way making sure you and your team deliver

Less juggling, more time for Real Work.

We're here every step of the way making sure you and your team deliver

Growth of School Vital

School Vital was launched in the year 2016 with a goal to make school management easy for the school staff. Come along with us on the journey of our growth over a period of time and have a sneak peak of school vital over the course of these years


Student Management

We started our journey with our first roll out in 2016. We introduced student management system with our software which manages to captures information of the students and others features like Registration Process, Admission Process, Transfer Certificate, Enquiry, Automatic ID Generation, etc.


Fees Management and Dues Management

In the year 2017 we roll out features fee management and dues management. These features allowed our customers to collect fees from parents online and graphical grade wise dues chart on dashboard of School Dues.


Examination Management

Examination management enables our users to systematically representing student data which show there grade, numbers in exam.

Along with that our users can now upload grades and scores of scholastic & co-scholastic activities.


Transport Management & Visitor Management

In the year 2019 we introduced our transport and visitor management systems in our software. This enabled our users to allocate transport routes and track/manage the number of visitors in there schools.


Online Fee, Attendance, Report Card System

With the addition of online fee, attendance & report card system. We provided an inbuilt/online system to record the attendance of all the students. Along with this our users could generate customize report cards also.


App Launch

In the late 2020 we launched our app and rolled out features like profile, ledger, attendance, report card, admit card, date sheet, fee submit, notifications & leave apply.


Library Management & Student Access Control

In the year 2021 we upgraded our software with library management system to record the inflow and outflow of books. 

Student Access Control provided parents to check the entry time and exit time of there kids in the school.


Transport Live tracking, Complaint Management

Our latest roll out enabled our software to add features like transport live tracking and complaint management system. This allowed the school as well as parents to track kids transport in real-time. And manage complaints if any.

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Students registration & admission process.

Fees Management

Used for depositing of student Fee in school.


Systematic representation of the student data which show the Exam grades.

Library Management

Used to streamline & digitalize the activities of library department.

Transportation Management

Transport fee management, route management, bus live tracking etc.

Dues Management

Used for sending automatic fee due notification to parents

School and Parent Interaction

Student profile, student attendance, student report card, etc.

Attendance Management

Maintenance of attendance register, to view the absent\present of the student.

Student Access Control

ID card scanning, Notification to parents on entry and exit, etc.

Visitor Control

Student half day management, OTP verification for student safety, etc.


Automatically generation of the certificates in a particular formats.

Visitors Gate Entry Register

Used to track visitors in the school and there purpose of the visit.