School Vital

Blog Part

TOC Layout

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The TOC layout demo on the Blog details page

You can choose the TOC (Table of contents) layout for blog posts. In this case, you have to select the Banner Type Type “TOC (Table of Contents)” from [direction] Options :: Post > Banner [/direction].

After selecting the “TOC (Table of Contents)” option from the Banner Type field, you will see the “TOC” tab will appear at the bottom of the Options :: Post. You can set the TOC banner’s titles and logos from there. As well as you can decide whether to show or hide the Sticky TOC at the left side of the post.

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Students registration & admission process.

Fees Management

Used for depositing of student Fee in school.


Systematic representation of the student data which show the Exam grades.

Library Management

Used to streamline & digitalize the activities of library department.

Transportation Management

Transport fee management, route management, bus live tracking etc.

Dues Management

Used for sending automatic fee due notification to parents

School and Parent Interaction

Student profile, student attendance, student report card, etc.

Attendance Management

Maintenance of attendance register, to view the absent\present of the student.

Student Access Control

ID card scanning, Notification to parents on entry and exit, etc.

Visitor Control

Student half day management, OTP verification for student safety, etc.


Automatically generation of the certificates in a particular formats.

Visitors Gate Entry Register

Used to track visitors in the school and there purpose of the visit.