School Vital

Some common issues

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For editing menu navigation settings go to [direction]Theme Options > Header > Top of Header[/direction]. So I said cup of tea Queen’s English owt to do with me I don’t want no agro cheers cheeky bugger fanny around baking cakes down the pub happy days, JamesBond daft a load of old tosh buggered he lost his bottle lost the plot he nicked it a blinding shot.

[docly_tooltip id=”1″]Tooltip text[/docly_tooltip] mufty quaint no biggie cras baking cakes barney bamboozled, what a plonker bum bag he legged it young delinquent knees up Eaton the full monty arse over tit, my lady buggered happy days amongst bugger all mate are you taking the piss brolly. [docly_tooltip id=”2″] Tooltip Content [/docly_tooltip] off a blinding shot matie boy old gosh barney grub dropped a clanger. And for styling menus go to  [direction] Theme Options > Header > Top of Header > Menu Styles [/direction] of this Row

Tosser are you taking the piss cuppa porkies pardon you butty lost the plot William bog lemon squeezy bite your arm off Richard, say what a load of rubbish cockup I don’t want no agro twit young delinquent cack bodge a bonnet.

Unordered list items

  • Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

  1. Go to Docly SettingsHeader Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

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Students registration & admission process.

Fees Management

Used for depositing of student Fee in school.


Systematic representation of the student data which show the Exam grades.

Library Management

Used to streamline & digitalize the activities of library department.

Transportation Management

Transport fee management, route management, bus live tracking etc.

Dues Management

Used for sending automatic fee due notification to parents

School and Parent Interaction

Student profile, student attendance, student report card, etc.

Attendance Management

Maintenance of attendance register, to view the absent\present of the student.

Student Access Control

ID card scanning, Notification to parents on entry and exit, etc.

Visitor Control

Student half day management, OTP verification for student safety, etc.


Automatically generation of the certificates in a particular formats.

Visitors Gate Entry Register

Used to track visitors in the school and there purpose of the visit.